Right Hand Pointing 92, recent publications, and other (EXCITING!) news:

Right Hand Pointing Issue 92 is now available, and you can read the RHP Best of the Net nominations also. (Congratulations to all our nominees!)

I’d like to thank Verse-Virtual for reprinting “Day Seven: Anticipation” (which originally appeared at Via Negativa) in their November issue. I’d also like to thank Via Negativa for publishing “Bandaged Orb” and Visual Verse for including “Reach Out with a Spiral Arm” in their current chapter.

Jose Angel Araguz, who runs the weekly poetry blog The Friday Influence, also has a new column up at The Cincinnati Review. Here’s the first post he wrote for that column, which inspired my poem “First Dance Alone” — I’d like to thank Dave Bonta at Via Negativa for giving this “language salad” poem a home, and to Joyce Mathison (my MUM!!!) for providing such an amazing reading of the poem. (Just to be clear, Mum never actually spoke in “language salad” — she always spoke in either English or Hausa, not a mix. But even if you don’t speak Hausa, there’s enough of the poem in English to follow along.)

And now for that exciting news…the first edition of my third full-length collection of poetry, ‘Dance Here’ will soon be available in Nigeria, my first collection to be published there. Sometime not long after that, a second edition will be available via Amazon. Stay tuned for cover previews and pre-order information!

And, on top of all of that, it’s almost time for me to check the mailbox for my copy of the Atlanta Review Poetry 2015 contest issue, where I am deeply honored to have my name appear on the International Merit Awards list.

3 thoughts on “Right Hand Pointing 92, recent publications, and other (EXCITING!) news:

  1. Laura these are wonderful! “Day Seven:Anticipation”–such a lighthearted approach despite the pain of the situation–if we can laugh we can heal! Love your persistent, hungry owl. ” Reach out with a Spiral arm” is lovely–we are stardust–a great love poem that respects both the dark holes and newborn stars of the beloved. “Bandaged Orb” and “First Dance Alone” both so very tender and keen in the knowledge of a child’s mind and experience. I am looking forward to your published collections. There is such humanity in all your work.

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