Sharing the Journey, 24-June-2018

FINALLY back to the blog after what feels like far too long away.

Lots of good reading recently…I’m grateful to have been immersed in submissions queues at Right Hand Pointing and Praxis Magazine Online lately. Here’s the latest offering from Right Hand Pointing: RHP 123: The Flower Syllabus.

…and here’s the latest chapbook at Praxis Magazine Online (edited by JK Anowe), and one of the finest gatherings of poems about the ongoing impact of conquest and colonization on identity today, Kanyinsola Olorunnisola’s IN MY COUNTRY, WE’RE ALL CROSSDRESSERS.  (I was truly honored to be able to write the foreword for this powerful collection.)

The Around This Fire series of response chapbooks at Praxis has resumed, and there are two special calls for response poems, which you can review here: and here:

There have also been several thought-provoking literary conversations going on that are available to be read online:

I haven’t been submitting my own work lately, because I’ve been focused on reading submissions rather than studying journals, reading reading reading before I submit. It made me smile to see the final bullet point in this announcement from poet, educator, and friend José Angel Araguz on his blog, The Friday Influence — I’m apparently not the only one who feels it necessary to study before submitting. 🙂  And while you’re visiting José’s blog, DO NOT MISS the link to this amazing poem he has in the current issue of Hunger Mountain, also available to read at their “online companion” site: “Conditioning (Run Study)”.


It’s good to be back…back on my feet, back at my desk, actively immersed in submissions queues. I’m grateful to be reading and writing and editing this year, at this time, with all these intriguing, insightful conversations taking place.

Stay blessed!